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Bicycle usage pattern prediction in Europe

In this project, historical data on bicycle usage, weather patterns, and gender demographics in Europe were analyzed using regression analysis and data visualization techniques. The project aimed to identify how weather and gender affect bicycle usage and to develop a predictive model for future bicycle usage. The developed model achieved an accuracy rate of 84% in predicting bicycle usage, based on weather conditions and gender demographics.


Anki Automation

I developed a Python program that created flashcards from a given list of words. The software retrieved the meaning, pronunciation audio, examples, and word genders using Google Translate and It then used ANKI software to generate the flashcards and saved them to a database or Excel file for future use.


Automated watch-face makers

I developed an automation software tool that simplifies the process of creating customized Samsung watch faces. The tool automatically downloads images and their licenses from and uses OpenCV and Pillow to modify the XML of the watch face with the appropriate colors. Additionally, the tool fills out a 3-page form, uploads the background and screenshots, and translates the title, descriptions, and tags into seven different languages.


Gender detection using deep learning

Preparing a web scraper to gather data and images for training the algorithm and then using Keras and TensorFlow to detect the gender of a person in a given picture with an accuracy rate display


Crypto Price Watcher

The software monitors the selected cryptocurrencies and sends an alarm and an email(using regular expression and SMTP) when certain thresholds are reached and updates the next threshold automatically when the first one is met.


Grade Analyser

A program that with using seaborn visualizes the grades in different skills such as reading, listening, .... and gives an overview of the progress by giving the Average and progress rate as well as comparing different students.

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